Monday, March 5, 2012

Mormon Race Relations

I have a lot of thoughts about this.  So many that I could write a book.  I often get labeled as the "oh she just feels that way cause her husband is black."  Little does anybody know, the foundation of these thoughts started well before I married Joey.  I remember very vividly approaching mom about rumors I heard about the preisthood ban in the 7th grade.  With that said, this roots deeper than my marriage.  It roots to the very core of who I am.  Although I am bothered by such comments similar to BYU Professor Bott's, I am grateful, and hopeful that we as Latter-day Saints will take action and rid ourselves of such hurtful words and condescending attitudes.  This way we can provide a more welcoming atmosphere to those who struggle with this disciminatory history of the church.  And quite frankly, I am so tired of having the ONLY "different" husband in every congregation we have been a member of.  We have to stop driving our diversity away but such ignorant comments.  I pray for the day we have a truly diverse leadership.  Its not cool when you have to carefully look over the tabernacle choir just so you can spot a "darker" person.  However, I love my mom to peices when she calls me to say, "Mandy did you see that black guy in the choir?"  I just love how much she cares to actually take the time and look. Always brings a smile to my face.  She really is awesome:-)  ( I miss you mom!)

 Although more current prophets haven't officially repudiated such theories that attempt to explain the priesthood ban, they have indeed repeatedly claimed that "they don't know why it took place."  Until we have an official answer from CURRENT prophets, the best thing you can say is "I don't know why it happened." 

If you are unaware of what I am referring to, the following links are articles related to the incident.  I'm sure you will run into more articles.

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