Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas 2011

After all the fun and craziness accompanied with wrappin paper, I had all of the kids collect as much as they could so I could get a picture of them with their gifts.

Tristen prepared his before I even made it to him.  Notice how perfectly organized it is!

Joey really spoiled me this year.  Crystal glasses!  I only said something once about not having any nice dishware so I was completely surprised. 

Aside from the gifts, Christmas this year was peaceful.  We missed our family dearly but also realize how blessed we are to have been able to spend it together with just our little family.  I really attempted to stress the "true meaning" of Christmas to my children through numerous lesson's and converstations.  As a parent, I'm so lucky to have so many resources available to me to help assist me in teaching them.  I understand the importance of conversation with my children and try to take advantage of every opportunity I'm given to teach them of our Savior.  Technology (youtube, mormon messages, living scriptures, etc) is just an added bonus that helps bring our conversations to life.  I love my savior and I cherish my relationship with him.  The more I learn of Him the more peace fills my soul.  It is through Him I find peace, joy and love.  It is through Him, I am Me.  My happiness is souly dependant on my relationship with my Heavenly Father, and His Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

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