Tuesday, November 2, 2010


How many of us wish we had the opportunity for a redo? Or in my case, make that plural. I have so many redo’s that sometimes haunt me to no end. What I find even more annoying is the redo’s that require more than one redo. You know those mistakes you find yourself doing again even after you supposedly learned your lesson. If I knew then what I know now I could make things so much better and my life would be fixed. But that is exactly the point. I wouldn’t know what I know now if it weren’t for my struggles and challenges that I’ve had to face. But even with this knowledge there are times I still find myself wishing for a redo.

What is a redo anyway? I googled it—to revise or reconstruct; to make new. At this moment I realized the many redo’s I’ve been given already, and more importantly, the many more redo’s available to me now and for the rest of my life. Christ has already paid the price for my stupidity and it is through His atonement that He offers us limitless redo’s to make ourselves whole again. What an amazing gift! And what a miraculous God.

It is when I’m on my knees that I’m experiencing a redo. It is when those little arms of my babies wrap around my neck that I’m experiencing a redo. It is those three words “I love you” from the lips of my husband that I’m experiencing a redo. It is a long warming chat with my parents that I’m experiencing a redo. For I know in more ways than one I’ve hurt or offended those close to my heart. And in more ways than one I wish to erase all the negative history that sometimes haunts me and my relationships with them. But if I erase it then I’ve learned nothing. I remain the same…unlearned and unstrengthened. Let’s take my cooking for example. Some things I cook very well even from the first few times I made them. Other things however, have taken me a little longer to master. Joey can attest that there are many recipes of mine that have required a numerous amount of redo’s. Some have even taken me years to have them consistently turn out well. With that said, I am humbled that the Lord would entrust me with the many challenges I’ve had to overcome. He wouldn’t have allowed them to come my way if he didn’t think I was strong enough to get through them. I’m aware that there is more challenges to come. I desire to be strengthened and to increase my knowledge of Him. And with this desire He will allow me to be teste in order to overcome and be worthy to live in His presence again. He wants me to know Him, and it is through my struggles that I can better understand Him. As Paul the Apostle said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phillipians 4:13).

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