Tuesday, November 23, 2010

God Sends Text Messages?

Funny thing happened today. I’ve been slowly introducing LeeLee to the potty and I was so excited when she did her first poop in the potty that I had to text Joey so he could celebrate with me in our step closer to ending the diaper bill. Honestly I didn’t expect a response at all as he’s usually too busy at work to even think about what happens at home. But to my surprise he took a few moments to share my excitement (whether he was really excited about it or not). But the text I received was “Elohim”

Weird I thought…..then shortly after came the intended text he was trying to send, “WooHoo!” Joey then clarified that Elohim was the result of auto correction on the iPhone. But I couldn’t just think of it as a fluke. I wondered what hidden message was behind Him autocorrecting Joey’s response. But then I realized that God’s messages are not hidden from us. We hide them from ourselves. And moments like these I just can’t ignore. I’m not sure what this little message meant but I am sure of one thing. God is with us always! Even when He’s the last thing on our mind. And who knows….maybe that was the very message He was trying to get across. That He is with us! I’m so very grateful for this small but very significant experience. It has reminded not only of who I am, but the role He has played in my marriage, in my family and in my life. It is through Him and His Son that I find peace and happiness with my children, my marriage, and all life situations good and bad.

What I find even more intriguing is what the expression WooHoo autocorrected into. How appropriate is that! Give praise to our King and believe! Though God all things are possible. If we give all the glory to Him, all will be well with us. So I’m giving a WooHoo to my God and King! What a magnificent God we have….he even sends text messages! How cool is that! I wonder if he has an iPhone…LOL

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