Friday, August 27, 2010

Unconditional Love

Your children can disrespect you, lie to you, betray you, hurt you in so many ways, but yet you still love them, care for them, nourish their souls, and you still welcome them back into your arms without hesitation. They are a part of you—your heart, your soul, your breath, your life. They are your family!

So why should it be any different for your spouse? Unconditional love is meant for more than just your children. If we could only look at our spouse as we do our children it will be amazing how many marriages would succeed and divorce would be a thing of the past.

I’m so thankful for my marriage and how beautiful it has become. I pray that we all will be able to see the true beauty in our struggles and use them as opportunities to strengthen ourselves and the eternal bonds with our royal companion.

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